Monday, August 29

Sublime Nerdery (Teeter Totter Love)

8/3/66 Wind Chimes (Version 1) (disc 4, track 4)
8/12/66 Look (disc 3, track 15)
8/24/66 Good Vibrations: Alternate Edit (disc 4, track 24)
8/25/66 Wonderful (Version 1) (disc 3, track 11)

9/1/66 Good Vibrations (Persuasion): Western (disc 5, track 19)
9/1/66 Good Vibrations: Western (new bridge) (disc 5, track 20)
9/8/66 Holidays (disc 4, track 3)
9/19/66 Our Prayer "Dialog" (disc 2, track 1)

10/3/66 Cabin Essence: Verse (disc 3, track 8)
10/3/66 Cabin Essence: Chorus (disc 3, track 9)
10/3/66 Cabin Essence: Tag (disc 3, track 10)
10/4/66 Our Prayer (disc 2, track 2)
10/5/66 Wind Chimes (Version 2) (disc 4, track 5)
10/5/66 Wind Chimes (Version 2 Tag) (disc 4, track 6)
10/7/66 Child Is Father Of The Man (Version 1) (disc 3, track 16)
10/11/66 Child Is Father Of The Man (Version 2) (disc 3, track 17)
10/18/66 Do You Like Worms: Part 1 (disc 3, track 1)
10/18/66 Do You Like Worms: Part 2 (Bicycle Rider) (disc 3, track 2)
10/18/66 Do You Like Worms: Part 3 (disc 3, track 3)
10/18/66 Do You Like Worms: Part 4 (Bicycle Rider) (disc 3, track 4)
10/20/66 Heroes And Villains: Verse (Master Take) (disc 2, track 3)
10/20/66 Heroes And Villains: Barnyard (Master Take) (disc 2, track 4)
10/27/66 Heroes And Villains: I'm In Great Shape (disc 2, track 5)

11/4/66 Surf's Up: 1ST Movement (disc 3, track 18)
11/4/66 Heroes And Villains Piano Demo "Humble Harve" Miller, KHJ Radio (disc 2, track 36)
11/4/66 Psycodelic Sounds: Brian Falls Into A Piano (Bonus Track) (disc 1, track 27)
11/4/66 Psycodelic Sounds: Brian Falls Into A Microphone (disc 2, track 37)
11/4/66 Psycodelic Sounds: Moaning Laughing (disc 2, track 38)
11/4/66 Psycodelic Sounds - Underwater Chant (disc 4, track 22)
11/7/66 Surf's Up: Talking Horns (disc 3, track 19)
11/11/66 Hal Blaine Vega-Tables Promo Session (disc 4, track 23)
11/14/66 My Only Sunshine: Parts 1 & 2 (disc 3, track 6)
11/28/66 The Elements: Fire (disc 4, track 7)
11/29/66 I Wanna Be Around/Workshop (Friday Night) (disc 3, track 21)

circa 12/66 Heroes and Villains Intro (Early Version) (disc 2, track 6)

12/15/66 You're Welcome (disc 4, track 16)
12/15 66 Surf's Up: Piano Demo (Master Take) (disc 3, track 20)
12/22/66 Da Da (Taped Piano Strings) (disc 4, track 8)
12/22/66 Da Da (Fender Rhodes) (disc 4, track 9)

1/3/67 Heroes And Villains: Do A Lot (disc 2, track 7)
1/3/67 Heroes And Villains: Bag Of Tricks (disc 2, track 8)
1/3/67 Heroes And Villains: Mission Pak (disc 2, track 9)
1/3/67 Heroes And Villains: Bridge To Indians (disc 2, track 10)
1/3/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 1 Tag (disc 2, track 11)
1/3/67 Heroes And Villains: Pickup To 3rd Verse (disc 2, track 12)
1/5/67 Do You Like Worms: Bicycle Rider Overdubs (Heroes And Villains Part 2) (disc 3, track 5)
1/9/67 Wonderful (Version 2) (disc 3, track 12)
1/9/67 Wonderful (Version 2 Tag) (disc 3, track 13)
1/12/67 I Don't Know (Dennis Wilson) (disc 4, track 19)
1/27/67 Heroes And Villains: Children Were Raised (disc 2, track 13)
1/25/67 Teeter Totter Love (Jasper Dailey) (disc 4, track 21)
1/27/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 2 (Cantina track) (disc 2, track 14)
1/27/67 Heroes And Villains: Whistling Bridge (disc 2, track 15)
1/27/67 Heroes And Villains: Cantina (disc 2, track 16)
1/27/67 Heroes And Villains: All Day (disc 2, track 17)
1/27/67 Heroes And Villains: Verse Edit Experiment (disc 2, track 18)

2/9/67 Teeter Totter Love (Jasper Dailey) (disc 4, track 21)
2/10/67 My Only Sunshine: Part 2 (Master Take With Vocal Overdubs) (disc 3, track 7)
2/15/67 Heroes And Villains: Prelude To Fade (disc 2, track 19)
2/15/67 Heroes And Villains: Piano Theme (disc 2, track 20)
2/20/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 2 (disc 2, track 21)
2/20/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 2 (Gee) (Master Take) (disc 2, track 22)
2/20/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 2 Revised (disc 2, track 23)
2/20/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 2 Revised (Master Take) (disc 2, track 24)
2/20/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 3 (Animals) (Master Take) (disc 2, track 25)
2/20/67 Heroes And Villains: Part 4 (disc 2, track 26)
2/27/67 Heroes And Villains: Part Two (Master Take) (disc 2, track 27)
2/28/67 Heroes And Villains: Fade (disc 2, track 28)

3/1/67 Heroes And Villains: Verse remake (disc 2, track 29)
3/1/67 Heroes And Villains: Organ Waltz / Intro (disc 2, track 30)
3/3-31/67Tune X (Carl Wilson) (disc 4, track 18)

4/4-11/67Vegetables: Verse (Master Take Track) (disc 3, track 22)
4/4-11/67Vegetables: Sleep A Lot (Chorus) (disc 3, track 23)
4/4-11/67Vegetables: Chorus 1 (Master Take) (disc 3, track 24)
4/4-11/67Vegetables: 2nd Chorus (Master Take Track And Backing Vocals) (disc 3, track 25)
4/10/67 Wonderful (Version 3) (disc 3, track 14)
4/4-11/67Vegetables: Insert (Part 4) (Master Take) (disc 3, track 26)
4/12/67 Vegetables: Fade (disc 4, track 1)
4/14/67 Vegetables: Ballad Insert (disc 4, track 2)

5/16/67 Love To Say Dada: Part 1 (disc 4, track 10)
5/17/67 Love To Say Dada: Part 2 (disc 4, track 11)
5/17/67 Love To Say Dada: Part 2 (Master Take) (disc 4, track 12)
5/18/67 Love To Say Dada: Part 2 (Second Day) (disc 4, track 13)

6/6-7/67 You're With Me Tonight (disc 4, track 17)
6/7/67 Cool, Cool Water (Version 1) (disc 4, track 14)
6/14/67 Heroes And Villains: Chorus Vocals (disc 2, track 31)
6/14/67 Heroes And Villains: Barbershop (disc 2, track 32)
6/14/67 Heroes And Villains: Children Were Raised (Remake) (disc 2, track 33)
6/14/67 Heroes And Villains: Children Were Raised (Master Take Overdubs Mix 1) (disc 2, track 34)
6/14/67 Heroes And Villains: Children Were Raised (Master Take A Capella) (disc 2, track 35)

10/26/67 & 10/29/67 Cool, Cool Water (Version 2) (disc 4, track 15)

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Friday, August 5

The Mellifluous, Profane Anger of Bob Odenkirk

Part of what makes Mr. Show such a classic, and so awe inspiring, is that they deftly played the entire spectrum of what humans find funny, from cerebral abstractions to slapstick (Jay Johnston!)

In the latter, no less brilliant, category, is the wooly timbre of Bob Odenkirk's voice, a signature note sounded throughout the four seasons.

I now embed a video by some kind soul who has edited together many of these moments.

God, the profane televangelist never fails to crack me up.

Friday, July 22

After My Own Heart

One last question, do you prefer the mono or stereo version of the Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds?

Because it’s one of the greatest recordings ever, for the pure feel of the songs, I’ll take any version of Pet Sounds that’s available. I like every version of Pet Sounds. Especially bootlegs or box-set versions of the songs that contain Brian Wilson’s studio chatter. Knowing Brian’s fondness for mono, I’ll always appreciate that sixties sensibility, but I’ll take any version you got.

- Cameron Crowe

Thursday, July 30

Mission Statement

"Poor! I wish I was free
of that slaving meat wheel
and safe in heaven dead"

- Jack Kerouac, "211th Chorus," Mexico City Blues

Monday, October 8

Long Time, No Blog

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Sorry haven't posted in, oh, 'bout 13 months.

I graduated in May, took the bar in July, and was sworn in a few weeks ago. So, now, I am officially a licensed attorney in the state of Oklahoma.

Friday, September 8

Um . . . Ah . . .

Three weeks of school are over all ready. Why does it seem like time is going by faster and faster the older I get? Ah, for those days of youth when loafing about was the order of the day.

This semester and next I'm serving as the Senior Candidates Editor of my law journal, helping our candidates craft their forty page papers. It's been pretty rewarding so far. My only regret is that by the time we get the process down, I'll be graduating, and next year's crop of editors will have to learn how to do it all over again.

In closing, I'll send congrats to my friend George, who recently started nursing school. Seems he's doing quite well. I'm glad to hear it.

Friday, August 25

It Seems Like a Mighty Long Time

Oy. You know, it's been so long since I've posted that I had to jump the security hurdles of the Blogger sign up page - the ol' re-enter your password and decode the non-word the wavy jumbled-up picture displays. At least it's not case sensitive.

There were so many times I wanted to write, but didn't. I just started school again, the third of three years. I'll take the bar in summer '07 after I graduate. Spent this summer working, not attending classes.

My high school reunion was this summer. It was so bizarre to see some of my classmates (I say some, because most of the people with whom I was interested in reconnecting didn't bother to show). Strange, too, how ten years of absence can essentially be boiled down to this conversation:

"So, uh, what've you been doing? Married? Kids? Cool, see you around."

Though it seemed monumental at the time, high school now seems oddly rountine, and many of the friendships I thought I'd forged were ultimately based more on proximity than any shared affection or common interests. Fortunately, I did get to reconnect with a handful of really good souls, and that alone made the trip worthwhile.

My first week back in school is also my first week back in Tulsa. What I intended to be a brief visit to Tahlequah post-reunion ended up morphing into a summer long stay, driven in part by my condo's ac unit malfunctioning and my ability to work from anyplace on my laptop.

So, I miss my family. I miss swimming late at night and looking up at the stars. I miss Molly's new dog Lois. I miss Tivo (and cluttering up enough random crap on it to drive others to the brink).

It was really nice to have a home again. I think the stories of my twenties have mostly been one of displacement. Now, don't get me wrong - I like living on my own, and I love living in Tulsa. It's just that I have very strong ties to family. I had to leave one family, and, until some woman delusional enough to have me comes along, I'll be drifting along somewhat. Those who don't live alone may have forgotten just how profound it is to have someone there when you come home. Some other voice, some other presence. So, it was nice to have a family again this summer.

I also got to catch up on some cool movie-watching. New in theatres, I saw:

Superman Returns (awesome, perfect blend of action and romance. I was stunned by Singer's growth, and willingness to go out on a limb);

X-Men 3 (one day, twenty years from now, some nerd will make the real follow-up to X2);

Clerks 2 (a sweet, low-key movie);

Nacho Libre (a brilliant follow-up to Napoleon Dynamite. I love Hess's style. Only slightly derailed by Jack Black being too "Jack Black" in some scenes);

Lady in the Water (I went into this wanting to hate it due to all the hype, and all the naysayers, but I was moved to tears. A great movie);

Little Miss Sunshine (for the first thirty minutes it felt a little too cookie-cutter indie, and I was thinking how many disfunctional family stereotypes can we handle in one movie, but as it wore on I grew to really love it. The little girl was precious, and the teenage kid moved me to tears. Steve Carrell was great too. Unlike JB in Nacho, he disappeared into the role);

Talladega Nights (not quite the laugh-fest that Anchorman was, but still priceless. Only Will Ferrell could make a bit out of preferring "the Baby Jesus" to "Teenage Jesus" or "Adult Jesus." Also, I was the only one in the theatre who died laughing at Sasha Cohen's French aesthete reading Camus while driving in NASCAR).

I think that was all. I also saw these movies for the first time all the way through: Forty Year Old Virgin, All That Jazz, Raging Bull, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Apocalypse Now, The Conversation, Garden State (cute, but awfully self indulgent), and, my favorite discovery of the summer: Forbidden Zone. I also saw A Woman Under the Influece, which I can appreciate in the abstract, but found really hard to sit through.

Some of you may be shocked at some of the titles in the above list. I am taking a stand though. In all honesty, I have still not seen some of the acknowledged film classics. I still have not seen Mean Streets or Taxi Driver. I'm OK with that. My philosophy is that I'll find each movie when I need them most. I'll get to them in time.

I spent a good deal of summer trying to track down some underground/midnight movies and now own El Topo, The Gong Show Movie, Sins of the Fleshapoids (KUCHAR BROS!!!), and most of Kenneth Anger's flicks (including Scorpio Rising).

A new Brian Wilson biography came out and I read it cover-to-cover in, like, 12 minutes. I'm still endlessly fascinated with The Beach Boys for some unknown reason.

My musical tastes continue to grow inward, not outward. I haven't been keeping up with all the latest, hot bands to invade the blog-o-sphere, but I did track down the original vinyl mixes of Frank Zappa's Hot Rats and Cruisin' With Ruben and the Jets, and the original mono mix of Piper at the Gates of Dawn, which was a little hard to listen to after hearing of Syd Barrett's death this summer. Every time I see some kid in a Pink Floyd shirt, or with a Pink Floyd sticker, I want to engage him (because it's rarely a her) about how great Syd is, but I know I'll only hear "Syd who?"

Arthur Lee also died, which cast a new dimension on Forever Changes and "Seven and Seven Is." I'm upset now that I didn't go see him in concert. You always assume you can catch them next time.

Finally, my most recent discovery is the disarmingly brilliant Wizard People, Dear Readers. You owe it to yourself to check it out. I want to spoil it for you (After Harry catches the Snitch, he screams, "I am a brilliant animal, I am a destroyer of worlds, I am Harry F'ing Potter), but I won't.

I love you all, and, though I apologize for the terrible lapses in communication, I can't promise they won't continue to occur. I'll do my best to keep in touch.