Friday, September 8

Um . . . Ah . . .

Three weeks of school are over all ready. Why does it seem like time is going by faster and faster the older I get? Ah, for those days of youth when loafing about was the order of the day.

This semester and next I'm serving as the Senior Candidates Editor of my law journal, helping our candidates craft their forty page papers. It's been pretty rewarding so far. My only regret is that by the time we get the process down, I'll be graduating, and next year's crop of editors will have to learn how to do it all over again.

In closing, I'll send congrats to my friend George, who recently started nursing school. Seems he's doing quite well. I'm glad to hear it.


Blogger Molly said...

I agree with the time thing. It seemed like I was already in a habit during the second day of school.

1:24 PM  
Blogger Jill said...

I read a review of a book that I thought you might find interesting. It's called "This Is Your Brain on Music" and it's by neuroscientist Daniel Levitin. The review is at salon (

I know that you have a lot of work to do but thought you might want to stick it in your will read someday pile. The author has found that music may have been essential to our evolution as a species by the way that our brains react when listening to music.

It made me think of you. So I thought I would pass the info along.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Austin said...

Thanks for the recommended reading, Jill.

2:02 PM  
Blogger reed said...

mad props on the work that you do!

11:15 PM  
Blogger Molly said...


Yes, I agree with the action-romance ratio.

10:57 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I am so ready to see Jason S. in Sofia's latest that I am about to crap my pants.

11:46 PM  
Blogger Molly said...

I won't even dignify that question with a response.

3:03 PM  

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