Wednesday, April 13

The Dilemma of Legal Writing

It's almost quittin' time. I've decided to overhaul my brief, and have gone back to re-read all the cases. This is good, because I'm picking up little nuances I glossed over the first time. However, I don't want to spend too much time on the brief as it's only a 2 hour class and finals are looming fast. Hopefully I'll have it all completed by the weekend so I can start memorizing my outlines.

Of the four substantive law classes I'm taking this semester, two are closed book (Criminal Law and Property); and they just so happen to be worth four credit hours each. So, to do well, I need to know the "black letter law" (legal rules and such) cold. You mainly do this through mnemonic devices and working with hypos. A good class outline should be well-categorized to facilitate this process.

Man, am I ever in my little narcissistic, law school-centric world. I apologize if this was not entertaining to read.


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