You Know You're A Geek When... think it's really cool that you get to stay in your school's library after it closes!
I was at the law journal office yesterday from 2PM to 10:30PM. The library closed at 8PM, but law journal folks are allowed 24-hour access. I was working on subciting an article for publication, which means I had to check footnotes in the article, and make sure they were correctly formatted, and that they correctly quoted or paraphrased the source.
I was the only student in any of the three journal offices, and, when I left, no one else was in the whole library (as far as I knew). If I wasn't so exhausted, I might've run around and had one of those "locked-in-a-department-store-overnight" moments, as I raced around the stacks, playing and laughing. Of course, my chances were hurt, because it would've unfolded in real time, not montage, and there would've been no cool '80s soundtrack to underscore my wacky shenanigans.
Most of the lights were off in the library, but it wasn't creepy at all. I attribute this to our library being of fairly recent construction, and not one of those old, Gothic libraries. If I had been in OU's library after hours, I probably would have been terrified.
I gotta admit sometimes it was a little freaky going into the bowels of the government documents collection when I worked at the OU library. It was also weird how in the closed collection there were random chairs and even a sofa back there.
It wasn't too freaky for me to take a nap there once, though.
OU also had emergency phones scattered around the stacks. At the same time that it made you feel safer, it also made you realize that your were all alone in a scary place where something bad could easily happen.
There's a children's book about being locked in the library. It used to be one of my favorites.
You know, the regular library at TU is pretty creepy at night. I used to check out rooms that were up on, like, the 6th floor that you could lock yourself into and do nothing but read. When I'd come out around 10 or 11 p.m., it was usually really dark and kinda scary. Then the walk back to my room was always my favorite part. You know, lone college-aged girl walking in dark paths while shadowy figures seems to appear out of thin air...or maybe that was all in my head?
"lone college-aged girl walking in dark paths "
Yeah, another thing you wanna tell Mom and Dad. :-)
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