Monday, May 2

Kubrick: Part Two

Full Metal Jacket - Looked and sounded great. I watched the scene in the head with Vince, Matthew, and R. Lee. "Easy Leonard. Go easy, man."

Barry Lyndon - Looked and sounded great. Watched the duel scene. I noticed that when Barry Lyndon is hobbling to his carriage after his leg is amputated, you don't see his face; obviously, it's a double. I wonder if Kubrick's blocking of the scene would have changed if this was made in the era of Captain Dan an' Forest Gump.

Spartacus - Looked and sounded OK. I briefly chaptered through. The special features button only brought up a trailer for the movie. Is there supposed to be more?

Paths of Glory - Timothy Carey!!! Looked and sounded great. No special features.

Lolita - Theatrical trailer was disabled. Picture looked and sounded OK.

Dr. Strangelove - I couldn't detect any flaws with the presentation. I briefly checked out the docs in the special features section. The announcer's voice is very annoying. Of course, I had to watch Slim straddle the bomb.

That's all. I hope to spend some time with this set when finals are over.


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