Free Speech and Other Delights
I finally, just now, saw the clip of Kanye West on the NBC Katrina Relief Telethon, after having only heard about it secondhand. As admittedly exciting as it is to see someone exercise his rights to free speech and create a little controversial moment, the absolute best thing about that clip was Mike Myers's double-take reaction, just after the sentence, "George Bush hates black people." I could watch that over and over.
The other big clip of the moment is Cheney on CNN with the guy telling him, "go f*ck yourself." I've only seen the replay of the clip, where the word is bleeped, but, from what I've heard, it went out live, uncensored, on CNN.
I know America's not a perfect country. I think these comments are evidence of the racisim and class warfare that still haunts us, and are very important problems we need to solve. And, yet, my overwhelming reaction to these two clips was gratitude that we have Amendment 1 to the Constitution; we have the right to free speech. I've been pretty depressed at times while doing my research on human rights in Middle East. The almost total lack of freedom and protection experienced by others in the world really gives me pause, and makes me grateful that I live in this country. Granted, I'm not sure that everyone in the U.S. gets to experience these rights equally, but at least we have them.
That's about as ineloquent a way as I can state it; I'm tired now and my head hurts, but it's my sentiment nonetheless.
And now for something completely different - if you want to see the answers to the movie quiz, check The Turner Family's answers; they got 'em all.