Saturday, October 8

October 8, 2005

Just wanted to drop in and say "hello" to everyone. I haven't had much free time lately; been too busy with school. Every weekend, including this one, is consumed with either my paper, my Immigration Law class (so much work for a 2-hour class!), or any other school-related activities. I haven't seen any of the new movies or DVDs since school started.

I tried to make a post about a week ago, or so, but my lovely computer crashed, and I hadn't saved the draft. I think I was just gonna mention how shocked I was at how short the commercial breaks used to be. I came across an old Star Trek:TNG tape from 1992, and the breaks lasted only 3 minutes each. They were over almost before you fast-forwarded.

I got to teach legal citation yesterday. It feels weird teaching a class of people only 1 year behind you in school, but it was great nonetheless. I think I'd enjoy being a teacher, if that's how my life ends up going. Regardless, I hope I get to teach in some capacity, be it volunteering, teaching as side occupation to my main career, or just giving unwanted lectures to random strangers.


Blogger george said...

I think you'd be a great teacher. Especially if you brought a guitar to play in class. Then you could be professor Garcia.

3:18 AM  
Blogger Wendy said...

Hi Austin! Glad to hear you're still alive, although extremely busy. I figured school was the reason we hadn't heard from you lately...good luck with all of it!

9:14 AM  
Blogger Sarah Elizabeth said...


I don't know...I just felt like screaming that at you.
I miss you brother! I want to come visit if you and I ever can coordinate free time at the same time. (Whew! That was a doosie to think and type.)
Anyway, isn't there something in the writings that says something about teaching being really good? I don't know exactly what it says (obviously) but you get me drift. Glad to hear you enjoyed the teaching thing.
And, oh yeah, if you brought a guitar to class, you could also be similar to Mr. Rosso (yeah, baby, how'd you like that reference?).

Sarah :-)

2:38 PM  
Blogger Austin said...

"I'm a boy (or girl)/and I'm a man (or woman)"

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just getting caught up on reading the old blogs! Way cool that you would enjoy teaching so much. I agree that teaching would be something that you should definitely participate in whether it be paid or volunteer or "whatever" capacity. I've always thought you'd be really good at it. So YEAH for you.

9:56 PM  

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