It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like . . .
Oklahoma has finally, finally, gotten cold. Gas has dipped below $2 a gallon (see Oil Storm and Oil Storm: Part Deux, supra). And I just can't wait for Christmas.
Finals are a few weeks away. Instead of being filled with trepidation, I am ready to get it over with. Studying hardcore for the next few weeks or so. Immigration Law and Sports Law are almost over. I turned my paper in. Both articles editors told me it was "excellent," so I may have a shot in the dark of getting published.
Tonight, I sit in the confines of my apartment, legs propped up, all warm and glowy inside. I'm watching Blast from the Past on TBS. The mighty Ronald Walken!!! Part of me enjoys the frugality of not having upteem kazillion channels and a TiVo (though I would love it if I did). There's something almost old-fashioned, almost romantic, about being at the mercy of edited-for-television movies. Part of me enjoys the idea of a time when television was simpler and everything wasn't readily available at our fingertips. I even have a big soft spot for family TV. I wish we had more variety shows. I always got a kick out of watching Lawrence Welk with my grandma in recent years. And Hee-Haw twenty years before that. Old console TVs you could climb on top of and deliver soliloquies from. You know, that whole trip.
I'm getting to the point where I'm nostalgic for good old dramas and comedies on TV, and none of this reality crap. I only get ABC and PBS right now, and when I record prime time TV I have to fast forward through "Wife Swap" and "Super Nanny."
Nice post. I wish it would get really, really cold and STAY cold. That's what we need.
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